Applied Fitness

Making Sense of Fitness Data

There is no shortage of data collected during training. The number of wearables and other devices to measure exercise is staggering. The challenge is how to sort through the data, relate it to each other and make sense of it all.

The goal with “Applied Fitness” is to help change that, and make the data more useful.

We have chosen to use a fairly unscientific term as “fitness” to present data and analysis relating to exercise, and the body’s response to it. As far as we know, there is no scientific definition of it, and it does not have an SI unit connected to it, but it has a fairly undisputed positive ring to it. Some people might feel that too much training or strength can be unhealthy or dangerous, but we think most people feel positive about the idea of “feeling fit”.

We also wanted to have the work “applied” to make the data useful. The service will launch shortly. If you are interested in learning more, please send an email to

Applied Fitness

For Individuals

Collect your fitness data from the wearable of your choice and get help with making sense of the data like your heart rate thresholds. Share your fitness sessions with your coach, get feedback and new training plans.

Applied Fitness

For Coaches

Access your clients’ fitness data on one platform, independent on which wearable they are using. See how they perform on their sessions when you are not training together, and then give feedback and share training plans.

Applied Fitness

For Teams

Collect the fitness data from your team players, evaluate and compare different sessions.